*Updated LICP guidelines requires you to post on the Government of Canada's Job Bank, use 2 or more additional methods of recruitment (job boards, websites, print ads etc) and target underrepresented groups. For more information, visit the government website at: 

In order to sponsor a foreign worker, you need to first demonstrate that you’ve conducted a domestic search for a caregiver. This domestic search should be exhaustive and should include posting your ad to the Canada Job Bank (required) and posting to a minimum of two other sites/media sources like or Kijiji, or in print media. We posted on the Job Bank, on Kijiji, on local community boards at libraries and recreation centres, via a print posting handed out by a friend's local nanny to her networks, and on My experience in posting for a domestic worker has been that (as I had been told ahead of time), they don’t really exist. In all of the posting that I’ve done, I’ve received maybe 6 applications (compared to 110 applications in 24 hours that I received posting for sponsorship applicants) who have just not been qualified enough (no childcare experience) for me to consider them. It's pretty understandable why it's difficult to locate a domestic worker since the job pays minimum wage and requires cooking and cleaning in addition to childcare. From what I've read (and been told), most domestic childcare professionals aim for live-out positions that pay 2-4 times the salary and require child minding exclusively. 

When you go to post your job bank ad, you’ll need your business number to get started, and then once you’ve completed the posting, you’ll need to validate your account by sending in your PD7A which is a Statement of Accounts for your business payroll account. This might sound daunting, but guess what??...the good folks at the job bank are just as helpful as the CRA! (lucky us… #GoCanada!) After I completed my online posting, I received a personal phone call from the job bank the next day notifying me that they had received my submission and explaining the account validation to me. They even provided me with the option to either fax in the PD7A or email it in…I picked email because I live in 2014. ;-) …but I think it’s awesome that they provide the fax option for those less internet savvy.

The PD7A is automatically mailed to you by the CRA when you file for your business number. It should take about 10-14 days (from what I read) to get to you. I received a Statement of Accounts for my personal income tax account and submitted that (yes this blog does prove that you can have some hiccups on the learning curve and still do this on your own) so what did the job bank do?...they immediately called me to walk me through it. I figured maybe they just wanted to make sure that my husband and I (having both of our names under the business number filing) didn’t have any outstanding debts with the CRA, but this was an incorrect assumption. In fact, I had submitted the wrong form, but the rep from the job bank was again very helpful, albeit having a little chuckle at my expense (hey I can laugh at myself too), so I called the CRA and they apologetically offered to mail another copy of the PD7A. Once this arrives, it will be easy to validate the account and be off to the races. Quick tip: when I send in the account validation, I'll also change the closing date of the posting (since it needs to be up for 14 days). It’s easiest to specify the closing date once you’ve received the PD7A because you can’t really decipher how long the whole process will take upfront.

Look what finally showed up in the mail!'s the PD7A :-)
PLEASE NOTE: If you are interested in hiring/sponsoring a caregiver who is already in Canada, then the advertisement requirements of the process are waived. Once you select your candidate, you can move right along to filing the LMIA.

PLEASE NOTE: The above post was written as per application to the program prior to Nov. 30, 2014. Under the new LICP rules, you must post your job ad for 4 weeks (rather than 2). 

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  1. Hi, thank you for writing this blog. It's been a great help. I got my PD7A form but I am not sure what information I should put there as I don't have anyone on my payroll yet. Please help. Thanks. Neha

    1. Hi Neha,

      Thanks for your comment and your question. :-) The PD7A will be automatically mailed to you when you obtain a business number, but it will just show a clear balance since you don't have anyone on payroll yet. Does that answer your question or are you wondering what to fill out when obtaining the business number? If you have any trouble at all with the business number, the good folks at the CRA are happy to help, but it's really just filling in employer information. When I got my PD7A in the mail, I too was confused since I didn't have anyone on payroll yet, but as I said, it will just show a blank statement of accounts. I hope that's helpful, but if not, just clarify your question further and I'm happy to help.

  2. Thank you so much Jenn for writing this blog. Before this I was sure I won't be able to do this myself. Now I have hope. I got and submitted my PD7A document. It's been a month and I haven't heard back anything after that. I tried calling and they said they will get back to me. Any suggestions on what I can do next?

    1. Hi Neha, the PD7A should be mailed out immediately and automatically, but as we know from my personal experience as well, this is not always the case. I would try calling with a specific instruction that you would like them to re-issue the document, then you should receive it within a few days. Good luck!

  3. Thanks Jenn. The job bank posting is active now. I will post in Kijiji and Where else should I post the job and for how long? What kind of proof did you have for posting in Kijiji and and also maybe bulletin board in YMCA? Please help.

    1. Hi Neha, that's great that you're off to the races with job postings. I documented everything I possibly could, my motto with this entire process is more is better. :-) I printed the listing pages (and took screenshots) of the posting confirmations, I did the same when I closed the posting to prove how long it had been listed. For other types of postings, I just submitted the actual posting, but it probably wouldn't hurt to take a photo of it on the community board, again this is not a less is more situation in my experience.

      The document that I submitted along with all of these back up documents was a summary document with every posting I completed, and date-by-date responses with qualification details etc. I basically had a columned spreadsheet that would show I had posted something online for say 4 weeks, then it would indicate when people responded to the ad and why they weren't a realistic fit (for some it was because right in the email they said they weren't interested in cleaning or other duties in the role, for others it was because they were significantly under-qualified, had no experience, or took over a week to respond to an interview request). In any case, I documented and proved that I tried very hard to hire a Canadian, but that it simply wasn't possible. The document even included specific quotes from emails etc etc. This may be going overboard, but again, I figure you're already putting in the work, might as well be comprehensive since I get the impression they really look for that.

      In terms of time frames, the job posting for job bank is a specific requirement, I would check with them when you call (they are very helpful and will tell you what you need to do), but I think at the time I did it, it was 2 weeks. Other postings I did ranged from 2-4 weeks depending on what applicants were coming in.

  4. Thank you so much for the detail reply. This helps so much

  5. Hi Jennifer thanks so much for this blog. My question is in have a business number already as I have a live out for 2 years but now will sponsor over seas. I am assuming I don't need a new br account but now need a pd7a form correct? Also I have a candidate in mind so does that change any of the steps?

  6. Are you still responding to questions? Just wondering what the standard FDW monthly salary is (we will repatriate back to Vancouver). Currently in Malaysia and an doing some preliminary scouting to see if I can bring our helper back with us when we come back.

    What are the helpful telephone numbers? I cannot seem to get the online system to kick out a payroll number for me and I suspect it's because I'm a non-resident and perhaps I'm not inputing my correct mailing address.

    Is the number 1 800 959 5525 (CRA Business Help line)?


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The 411 on Nanny&Me

I am SO excited to have my son, Logan, provided with the one-on-one care of a nanny in our home. The process of recruiting and keeping a nanny seems intimidating at times and there are so many things to think about and consider. The goal of my blog is to support, encourage and empower parents who are considering and pursuing the path of a nanny.

Nanny&Me provides free resources and information that will support you in finding, selecting, and keeping a great nanny. Nanny&Me will also share our family's journey on the road to building a strong and positive relationship with our nanny.

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Hi! (not sure the exclamation mark was necessary, but I'm just excited to say hello). My name's Jenn. I am a passionate mom, non-profit executive, real estate hobbiest, and athlete. I'm an enthusiastic person with a growth mindset. I love learning and growing every day!