We are back at it! Seeking part-time nanny in Toronto.

Hello readers!! 
It's been too long! It feels so good to be back. I'd love to share an update with you...

Here's me circa 2018! 
About two years ago, our former live-in nanny moved out and finished her time with our family. It was a great learning experience having her work for us and one that I am glad I was able to share in such detail on this blog. I still have lots more to share about my takeaways from that experience (coming soon).

We had our second child in 2016 and I decided to take an extended maternity leave and stay at home with the kids for two years. I had the BEST two years of my life. I enjoyed every moment with the kids, and was able to do some stimulating consulting work on the side as well.

This fall marked the beginning of kindergarten for our eldest and I knew in my heart that I was ready for my next chapter. I have decided to return to work this fall.

I cannot wait to share many more childcare experiences with you! My eldest, Logan, went to preschool a couple of mornings/week for two years while I was off. I have so much to share about considering a program like that for kids even if you are off with children or have a nanny who is home with them. Audrey, our youngest, just started in the same preschool yesterday and I can already tell that it's going to be amazing for her!

Logan & Audrey
This time around we're doing things a little differently. I have some flexibility to work from home so I will do some afternoon preschool/school pick ups on those days and work a longer day with some parenting responsibilities threaded in throughout. On my office days, we are looking for help with the kids in addition to some cleaning and cooking.

Alas, finding a part-time nanny is no easy feat and we know this, but we are confident that the stars will align, and we will either find someone whose lifestyle fits a part-time job or find another family who is seeking a nanny share.

Are you or someone you know our future nanny??? I have attached our job post, so readers in the Toronto, please feel free to share!

My plan over the next year is to expand the blog to include more information on all things childcare, not just nanny. That is to detail our experience with preschool, and interview families with live-out nanny arrangements, home care etc. The focus will still largely be placed on helping you to find and keep a wonderful nanny, but I'll sprinkle in some other creative ideas too! (like our current one of blending preschool with a part-time nanny).

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The 411 on Nanny&Me

I am SO excited to have my son, Logan, provided with the one-on-one care of a nanny in our home. The process of recruiting and keeping a nanny seems intimidating at times and there are so many things to think about and consider. The goal of my blog is to support, encourage and empower parents who are considering and pursuing the path of a nanny.

Nanny&Me provides free resources and information that will support you in finding, selecting, and keeping a great nanny. Nanny&Me will also share our family's journey on the road to building a strong and positive relationship with our nanny.

About Me

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Hi! (not sure the exclamation mark was necessary, but I'm just excited to say hello). My name's Jenn. I am a passionate mom, non-profit executive, real estate hobbiest, and athlete. I'm an enthusiastic person with a growth mindset. I love learning and growing every day!