SUNDAY'S STORY CORNER: Practical Tips from an Experienced Employer


This week's Sunday's Story Corner contribution comes to us from Staci of Toronto. We'll all benefit from Staci's helpful tips and advice and in addition to her wise words, Staci said that she wouldn't like to forget to mention that her nanny is wonderful, that her kids adore her, and she is quiet, polite, respectful, and thankful. 

It came time for us to hire a new nanny and to part ways with our prior one. A nice nanny in my neighbourhood and who babysat for me on occasion, told me about her cousin who was in Hong Kong and wanted to come over to be a nanny.

She told me I would not be disappointed and having known my children and what i needed - she convinced me to reach out and communicate with her and see if it was a good fit.

We communicated mainly via email, text and FB instant messenger and I had a good feeling.  We applied for the LMO (it was still free, last July 2013) and got it in under the gun before it had a $275 price tag (now $1,000 price tag).  I did all the paperwork from my end here. I didn't use any agencies, to be honest the paperwork is fairly straightforward and if I had questions, I called CIC and asked. 

She arrived on March 19 into Canada and her cousin and I picked her up at Pearson Airport. She was very excited, thrilled, very nervous and thankful to be here. She had a bad experience in Hong Kong her first go around with a "Calgary Agent" taking $2000 from her and next day, disappeared and is still in a lawsuit pending in Hong Kong.

When she arrived, her room was clean, brand new sheets and brand new towels were laid out on her bed. I also had a basket of toiletries I thought she  need such as new toothbrush, toothpaste, combs, brushes etc. Also, she had her own private en suite bathroom.  She wanted to know if this was truly her room as she had just come from Hong Kong where she slept on the top bunk bed of the child she was caring for and was not allowed to have a computer or tap into the employer's internet. She worked 6 days a week from 6am until 9pm and on her only day off, Sunday, she had to leave the apartment. 

I told her to rest for a few days and get used to the time change etc. She was anxious to start. Prior to her arriving, I had put together a pseudo schedule of activities I wanted her to do.  I also was going to teach her to cook.   

Her cousin gave her a warning about listening to her and me only for advice. To be cautious of the "other nannies" she meets and be cautious of them trying to sell her things from life insurance, to Mary Kay cosmetics, to Arbonne and the like. 

What I had also remarked, was that her English was not where  I was used to with my previous nannies. I had to learn and I am still learning that I have to slow down in how I speak to her. She was not understanding me and even now at the 6 month mark, I have to catch myself and be clear.

I also find as an employer,  I have learned from past hires that you cannot be wishy washy about anything. If you want something done a certain way, tell them, show them and correct immediately if it's not what you want. You cannot let things fester between you and your nanny as it will get uncomfortable and uneasy especially given they live with you. 

I continue to check in with her, she asks for advice from me and her cousin when approached.

She has become quite the baker and cook from no experience prior. From Chocolate cakes to Quinoa Crusted Chicken (yum!). 

Keep lines of communication open and be direct and forward. Reward where appropriate. It's also important to say Thank you! I say thank you every night when she goes down to her room. 

Be patient. They are essentially a foreigner in a new country adapting to a whole new world with new rules, new customs and ways of life to where they came from. Your patience and kindness will pay off. 

Good luck!

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The 411 on Nanny&Me

I am SO excited to have my son, Logan, provided with the one-on-one care of a nanny in our home. The process of recruiting and keeping a nanny seems intimidating at times and there are so many things to think about and consider. The goal of my blog is to support, encourage and empower parents who are considering and pursuing the path of a nanny.

Nanny&Me provides free resources and information that will support you in finding, selecting, and keeping a great nanny. Nanny&Me will also share our family's journey on the road to building a strong and positive relationship with our nanny.

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Hi! (not sure the exclamation mark was necessary, but I'm just excited to say hello). My name's Jenn. I am a passionate mom, non-profit executive, real estate hobbiest, and athlete. I'm an enthusiastic person with a growth mindset. I love learning and growing every day!